30 January 2009

Just do it already!

Here is what I made yesterday: a new cover for my ironing board. The old one got lost in the move--I don't know how your stuff gets loaded onto a truck at your old house and when the truck gets to your new house, some of the stuff is gone! I mean, why not take the whole ironing board if you're going to steal my stuff, not just the cover! I digress, anyway, I have been going round and round with myself for the last 5 months, since the naked ironing board arrived, whether to make or buy a new one. There are all these great tutorials out there, like this one and this one. I don't know why it took me so long; I just needed to decide to do it. So I did...yesterday...finally...and I love it. In the end, I read the tutorials and then did my own thing. The bright fabric is from Ikea in Heidelberg, Germany--I had used it for my daughter's room when we lived there years ago and I was about to give it away. I'm so glad I didn't because it's a nice reminder of the years we spent there, and I didn't spend a dime to make it. Yay!

21 January 2009

Cross Blocks

These are so much fun to make and so easy. Just follow Betty Ninja's directions here. I love her Hot Pink Cross quilt, especially that all the crosses are different widths and sizes. I'll do that next--these all have 1 1/2 inch wide crosses. I'd like to do some real fat and real skinny ones. I am loving this so much that I think this will be my Project Imrov project, and I'll sash everything with white.

Also check out Bison Girl's cross quilt. Just as beautiful as Betty's but so different.

16 January 2009

Project Improv: Not as easy as I thought

I've done what I think is my charity block for Project Improv, but I'm not sure yet. I signed up for the Red/Acqua combo and at first I wasn't sure if my fabric choices were "red" enough. Now I'm not sure I'm happy with how simple the block turned out compared to the ones other people have posted. So while I like the block and will use it somewhere, I think I will play around some more before sending this off to Jacquie for the charity quilt. Here are some things I learned while making this one though:

  • Improvising can take longer than working from a pattern

  • Some traditional quilt rules are still good, like pressing your seams to the dark if you can. I can see from my picture that this block needs to be pressed some more

  • A quarter inch seam is not always necessary. If you aren't matching seams, then don't worrry about it.

And don't tell the quilt police but I used whatever thread was already threaded on the machine. How's that for wild and crazy? It sort of reminds me of the "quilts" my grandmother used to make--she would cover old blankets with whatever scraps she had on hand. Now they call them utilitarian quilts. And she wouldn't have dreamed of matching the thread to the fabric color or trying to use a neutral color. She just wanted to get it done and keep her family warm.