11 March 2008

My plastic bag bag

Here's what I finished last night--my plastic bag bag. I love this bag. It is unbelievably soft, considering it is made out of plastic grocery bags. I'm not a crocheter, but I saw this online and my plastic bag holder was overflowing so I just had to try it. It won't be the last one I make. It was fun but it does start hurting your fingers after a while.

Here's my other recent obsession, pink crumb squares:

I'm not sure how I'm going to use them yet. Right now I'm thinking of framing them with a lighter solid, then sashing them in white. I still have a few more to get to the right size, then I'll start playing with layout. I'm just about out of pink scraps though, and that makes me a little sad. But I have plenty of other pinks to cut into and then I'll have more pink crumbs. It never ends.


Lynda said...

The bag is wonderful and the pinks good enough to eat! Can't wait to see what you make of them.

laura west kong said...

That's really interesting. I never you could crochet plastic grocery bags. It turned out really well though.

The pinks are going to make a great quilt!

kathi said...

Thanks for the comments ladies. I can't wait to see what I do with the pinks too!